Posts are back!

Update: thanks to the Wayback Machine I could also restore the latest posts, yay! 🎉

Probably the worst nightmare a blog maintainer could think of, happened to me. I deleted the database of this blog, by accident of course. 🤡
I actually was about to remove unused databases on my webspace, but looks like I deleted a wrong one. I didn’t even notice it myself, Felix by told me my blog is not available (so thanks again for letting me know 😅).

Gladly I had a backup of the database. It’s from December 2021, so all the newer posts were gone. But I also had some posts on my local machine, so I could atleast import some of the newer posts. Because only the database got erased, all images and theme were still there. Some links to the images are still broken. I will fix them in the next days I guess. ^^