Sometimes (well, actually pretty often) you have to use conditional statements inside of React Component’s Render methods. You could do it like this: import React from “react”; class MyComponent extends React.Component { render() { return ( {“LGK” == “awesome” ? LGK is awesome! : LGK is not awesome :C } ); } } This works… Continue reading If / else statement inside of React Component’s Render method
Author: Lars Kliesing
Node.js: Check if you are in debug or production mode
Sometimes you have to use other values in a variable when your application is in production as if when you are debugging it. For example you have to use another web service URL. Here is how can do it: var webApiUrl; if (process.env.NODE_ENV === “production”) { // use in production webApiUrl = “”; } else… Continue reading Node.js: Check if you are in debug or production mode
JS: Hide an element when clicking on somewhere else
Hint: I used the functions removeClass() and addClass() to make things easier. You can find them on See the Pen Hide an element when clicking on somewhere else by Lars Gerrit Kliesing LGK (@lgkonline) on CodePen.
JavaScript “hasClass()”, “addClass()”, “removeClass()” helper functions
If you’re like me and come from jQuery to pure JavaScript, these helper functions might be very helpful for you: function hasClass(el, className) { if (el.classList) return el.classList.contains(className); else return !!el.className.match(new RegExp(‘(\\s|^)’ + className + ‘(\\s|$)’)); } function addClass(el, className) { if (el.classList) el.classList.add(className); else if (!hasClass(el, className)) el.className += ” ” + className; }… Continue reading JavaScript “hasClass()”, “addClass()”, “removeClass()” helper functions
Regular expression collection
On this post I want to collect different regular expressions, that I used in my projects so I can find them very quick, when I need them in the future. For more useful regular expressions you should check out this page: Containing a string but not multiple others See the Pen Regex example: Containing String… Continue reading Regular expression collection
Try to avoid loops in JavaScript for better performance
Use objects instead of arrays A benefit of objects is that you can directly call its children elements (properties) by name. While arrays only have index numbers. Here is a simple example: const exampleDataArray = [ { id: 8462943, name: “Google”, url: “” }, { id: 9847323, name: “Amazon”, url: “” }, { id: 938442934,… Continue reading Try to avoid loops in JavaScript for better performance